Prime times – Transition to school
Last reviewed: July 30 2024
Last updated: July 30 2024
Moving on to school is a major transition in a child’s life involving separation from familiar adults and children. Older children have a more secure understanding of ‘people permanence’ and are able to approach new experiences with confidence. However, they need preparation if they are to approach transition to school with confidence and an awareness of what to expect.
Partnership with schools
Details of the school that a child will be attending are recorded in the child’s file along with the name of the reception class teacher.
Every effort is made to forge and maintain strong links with all schools that children may attend. The setting manager will approach schools in order to open lines of communication where these have not previously existed.
Details of the school’s transition or settling in procedures are kept by the setting and are referred to so that members of staff are familiar with them and can develop a consistent approach to transition with teachers, parents and children.
Teachers are welcomed into the setting and sufficient time is made for them to spend both with the child, their parents and with the key person, to discuss and share information that will support the child’s transition to school.
A child’s learning journey record is forwarded to the school along with other information that will aid transition and settling in. Parents receive a copy of this.
Any action plans relating to a child’s additional needs are also shared, where this is in place.
Other formal documentation such as safeguarding information is prepared in line with procedure 07.6 Transfer of records.
Partnership with parents
Key persons discuss transition to school with parents and set aside time to discuss learning and development summaries. Parents are encouraged to contribute to summaries.
Key persons will discuss with parents how they are preparing their child for school and will share information about how the setting is working in partnership with the school to aid transition.
Key persons will make clear to parents the information that will be shared with the school, for example, information regarding child protection and work that has taken place to ensure the child’s welfare.
Increasing familiarity for children
Where the setting is on, or adjacent to a school site, there will be opportunities for children to become familiar with staff and school premises, for example shared use of outdoor and indoor spaces, activities and resources.
Where possible, the key person will take the child to visit the new school, if this is the school’s transition policy.
If there are several schools in a catchment area, or the setting is not within a reasonable distance of the school, other means of familiarisation will be explored. This could be through videos, photographs or other information about the school that can be shown within the setting. Staff may borrow resources from the schools and will use these with the children.
Preparing children for leaving
Children and parents form bonds with adults and children in the setting and will need preparation for separating from the relationships they have formed.
The child’s last day should be prepared for in advance and marked with a special celebration or party that acknowledges that the child is moving on.
Parents should not be discouraged from bringing the child for the occasional brief visit, as separations often take time to complete. Sometimes children need the reassurance that their nursery/pre-school is still there and that they are remembered.