Here at Milton Mount Playgroup, we rely on the generosity of parents and carers to voluntarily join our committee. Without a committee of at least 5 people our playgroup would not be able to run.
If you are interested in joining the committee please contract either the manager or the chair person to find out more information. Both email addresses can be found at the bottom of this page.
We meet once per term. We also hold one AGM (Annual General Meeting) per year where we invite all parents and carers to come along to learn about our playgroup.
Our committee is made up of a chair person, a treasurer, a secretary, a staff member and extra trustees. Ideally we would have 8-10 people on our committee.
Manager: Lindsey Burnell-
Chair Person: Terri-Anne Busbridge-
Secretary: HC
Treasurer: SM
Trustee: AM
Trustee: FM
Trustee: HB